TV Screen Protectors


Protect your TV from accidental impact damage before its too late....

Suitable for all makes of TV including:

TV Screen Protector Logos

Most owners of Plasma and LCD TV’s are completely unaware of how fragile and vunerable Plasma and LCD televisions are. The impact from a child throwing a toy or a remote control can result in a TV becoming worthless. Designed by a mother of seven children, The Screen Protector is a simple to attach, optical grade acrylic protector that protects a plasma or LCD screen from accidental impact without affecting the High Definition Picture Quality. Originally designed to protect a Plasma or LCD
TV from the impact of a Nintendo Wii remote being thrown at it, The Screen Protector is easily able to withstand impact from small toys, and children drawing on it with crayons protecting your TV so you don’t have to worry.

As the largest supplier of TV Screen Protectors in North America and Europe we are able to bring you the most comprehensively designed and tested range of TV Screen Protectors on the market today at very competitive prices.



We manufacture 2 different ranges.


S T A N D A R D    T V    S C R E E N  P R O T E C T O R    R A N G E 

Our Standard Range of TV Screen Protectors are made of an optical grade acrylic designed to prevent damage, scratches and fingerprints to your flat screen TV - LED TV, LCD TV Smart TV, 4k TV.

Highest Quality

Just take out of the box for an easy stick-on installation. Optical-grade technology; no material yellowing over time. Manufactured under rigorous quality standards. Polished edges and rounded corners ensure elegant appearance and complete user safety. Material treated to minimize flexing in front of the TV and ensure superior protection.

Largest Range of Screen Protectors

We manufacture a large number of different sized screen protectors to give you the closest fitting screen protector for your TV. Please check the size of your TV against the dimensions of our screen protectors before buying. 

If in any doubt please let us know the Make and Model of your TV and we will advise you accordingly.


U L T I M A    T V    S C R E E N  P R O T E C T O R    R A N G E 

Our Ultima Range of Screen Protectors are made from an optical grade acrylic that is twice the thickness of our Standard Range and offers twice the impact protection.  Our Ultima Range fits to your TV with straps that ensures a stronger attachment and makes it much easier to take off and re-attach than our Standard Screen Protectors. 

Comes with spacers that keep your Screen Protector clear of the TV surface and alleviates any heat build up from your TV Screen.


Highest Quality

Just take out of the box for an easy installation. Optical-grade technology; no material yellowing over time. Manufactured under rigorous quality standards. Polished edges and rounded corners ensure elegant appearance and complete user safety. Material treated to minimize flexing in front of the TV and ensure superior protection.

Comes with spacers that keep your Screen Protector clear of the TV surface and alleviates any heat build up from your TV Screen.

Largest Range of Screen Protectors

We manufacture a large number of different sized screen protectors to give you the closest fitting screen protector for your TV. Please check the size of your TV against the dimensions of our screen protectors before buying.

If in any doubt please let us know the Make and Model of your TV and we will advise you accordingly.


                ULTIMA - 19" to 65"

TV Screen Protector Ultima CLEAR     TV Screen Protector Ultima Anti Glare
