Our Premium Range of TV Screen Protectors come with straps that firmly attach the TV Screen Protector to your TV. Our Premium Range of TV Screen Protectors give excellent protection to your TV combined with elegance and a sleek design that doesn't detract from your TV's appearance.
Our Premium Range of TV Screen Protectors are strong and are fitted within seconds. With the Velcro strap attachments they are very easy to attach and detach providing a very effective TV protection solution for your TV.
The Premium Range of TV Protectors come with spacers to keep a gap between the TV and the TV Screen Protector. This enables the TV Protector to more easily absorb any impacts and also allows any heat that is generated by the TV screen to escape.
These screen protectors make an ideal choice for families with young children or if there are pets present in your home or business.
Suitability: Homes with Younger or Older Children and pets
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